Green Highway

The Electric Highway Project directed by the Washington Department of Transportation will be installing fast charging stations along interstate 5 which runs north and south on the western side of the state. The charging stations will be placed between 40 and 60 miles apart from each other due to the range of most electric vehicle of today. This is the type of innovation America has been looking for for many years. This gives Americans the opportunity to buy and electric car if they so desire and travel greater distances with the new infrastructure in place. Interstate 5 (green highway) will run 276 miles from the canadian border to the Oregon border making in the only highway that is friendly for electric vehicles on a mass scale. The main goal of this project is not just Washington state alone but making the entire interstate 5 from Canada to southern California 100% electric car friendly roadway making the total roadway to reach 1,350 miles long.
What Is going to charge the Green Highways charging stations?
The Green Highway is going to be powered mostly with solar panels running along side the roadway. Oregon has already tested solar panel that power the city lights at night keeping the roadway visible in the dark. If this Green highway is built and is a great success to the 3 states and Canada, then many other states will follow hopefully at a quick pace. This could be the new revolution of transportation as we know it and batteries are only going to get better. I'm guessing in 20 years battery powered vehicles are going to have a range of 200-300 miles on a single charge. I the a high speed railways is put into place in America because in most European countries it works miracles. If people need to go great distances and battery technology is not quite there yet then high speed rail would be the best way to get there. Most Europeans say it is even better riding the train then flying on a plane.